
College Recruiting Highlight Videos

Need a highlight video? We can help. Schedule your FREE workshop today.


How It Works

  1. Schedule your FREE, one-hour workshop with us.

  2. Compile up to 100 of your best clips using Hudl, Veo, or any other video service.

  3. Meet with us to review your clips and narrow them down.

  4. Pay our partner, Contact Coaches, the discounted rate of $149 (normally $249+).

  5. We'll send your clips to Contact Coaches.

  6. Receive your awesome highlight video and send it to college coaches!

Check out these samples…


Contact Coaches Partnership

Founded by two former college coaches, Contact Coaches provides a suite of tools and services to guide young players through the recruiting process. Through our partnership with them, they’ll produce your highlight video for only $149 (packages normally start at $249).


Schedule Your FREE Workshop